Nutrition Coaching
What is Nutrition Coaching?
Being a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC) enables me to provide nutritional guidance and dietary adherence methods by utilizing research backed behavioral change and motivation techniques. I can develop customized, evidence-based nutrition recommendations and provide actionable, proven methods to help you reach your nutrition goals which go hand-in-hand with physical fitness. Do you need help deciding energy intake (calories) to lose or gain weight at a safe and healthy rate? I’ve got you covered. Do you need help discovering which foods work best for you and your needs? I can help with that too.
Why is Nutrition Coaching important?
As preventive health becomes a priority, I can provide a valuable service with the mission to keep you healthy while avoiding chronic disease and disability. Regular interaction with me can facilitate consistency in behavior change to help you stay on course. Some clients who hire a nutrition coach may be aware of the types of food they should be eating, but they need support on the behavioral side of nutrition (i.e., putting what they know into practice). This is where I can be of value.
All sessions are 1 hour in duration
$50 per session
Regular interaction is recommended and is client and situation based.