Athletic Performance Enhancement Training

What is athletic performance enhancement training?

Being a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS) and a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified Performance enhancement Specialist (NASM-PES) gives me the knowledge, skills, and abilities to test and evaluate, improve sport specific exercise technique, monitor training adaptations through periodization principles, and design performance enhancing programs for athletes of all ages and levels for all different kinds of sports. Parents out there, do you have a child in middle school or high school that needs special one-on-one performance enhancement training that could make them stick out from their peers and possibly take him or her to the next level on an athletic scholarship to play in college? I have the knowledge and skills to do it. Recreational athletes and weekend warriors, do you need help training for a triathlon, iron man, marathon, or tough mudder? Combat sport athletes, do you need strength and conditioning training for sports like boxing or MMA? I have the expertise in the strength and conditioning realm to get you there.

Why is athletic performance enhancement training important?

Back in the day, improvements in strength, power, and speed were the only areas highlighted in athletic performance enhancement training. As more and more research has come out, there has been an emphasis on taking more of a holistic approach to training athletes. This includes focusing on areas such as appropriate forms of flexibility, core strength, increasing stabilization strength and endurance, and training in a multiplanar environment. Modern day performance enhancement training encourages an integrated training focus, training in all planes of motion, with optimal posture, and in a progressive and systematic fashion. This minimizes the risk of injury and maximizes the athltes’s success based on the results of assessments. The “one size fits all” approach is prohibited. If you think about it, what good is it if you’re the best athlete in the world but you’re always injured which prevents you from competing? I have the knowledge, skills, and experience to cover everything listed above.


Each session is 1 hour in duration

1 session: $75

Includes a comprehensive sports performance movement assessment (movement quality) and an athletic performance test battery (quantifiable data) to see what work needs to be done.

10 sessions: $700 ($70 per session)

This package will get you started and give you direction in your performance enhancement training.

20 sessions: $1300 ($65 per session)

This is the amount of sessions that will generally cover the offseason, preseason, or in-season phases of training for individual or team sports.

30 sessions: $1800 ($60 per session)

This is the best option for significant results in athletic performance enhancement training.


Nutrition Coaching